Suddenly there was an alien cylinder in space. Recently, a cylinder-shaped object in space was seen from the rotating International Space Station on Earth. Interested in calling the object as ‘Alien Cylinder’. From the US Space Research Organization or NASA’s live feed, pictures of the CCD camera of the
International Space Station are seen. From this, interested people identify the mysterious cylinder. A UFO expert said that some people claiming this cylinder started searching for it. UFO experts said that in the space of space it was first approached to the International Space Station. Then it goes out of sight.
Conspiracy theorist Scott C Wing runs the ‘UFO Shooting Day’ site.
He announced the presence of this object there. He said, ‘I saw the distance of the distance of the International Space Station with the strange object in the distance. It was quite like a secret object. That’s why it seems to be quite transparent to see it. However, the mystery surrounding this space, which is close to the International Space Station, is not yet known.